Smilee Everyday ♥

Smilee Everyday ♥
♥ Smilee ♥ :]

Friday 28 May 2010

BaDMiNtOn CoMpEtiOn

yesterday,was badminton competion iam so sadsadsadsad...cause in 单打 i be a loses...why???我不会开球。。。。OMG!!!!!!many time the shuttlecock also drop on the floor...that ...whatever i also sad ...i only 1 -----11...i only win score 1...i am very sadsadsad...isay myself..NVM...cause i has another competion...i will win with my friend(jin ying)in双打。。 i can't 开球also...all jin ying 开球 打球...but me 打 outball..we 3-----11..i only hope can in 第二场罢了。。。frenz also 叫我以后别去比赛,因为我都不会的,in this time i want thank a people..that my friend...NG YI XIAN 黄亦倩。。。。 don tell me why....i only thank her in her kind...but,now i can say ..IWILL BE A WINNER!!!!!!!!!!!!GAMBATEH!!!!!!!


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